Saturday, January 10, 2009

Basketball game

Joe had tickets for last night's game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics. They were third row seats, and he was planning on taking a customer. Turns out the customer is very delinquent on his account though, so Joe decided not to take him. He couldn't find another customer on short notice, so he decided to take one of the boys. The question was, which one? I tried to let them come up with a solution between themselves, which they were not able to do. Joseph didn't want to flip a coin, and Jacob didn't want to do rock, paper, scissors. We agreed I would pick a number between 1 and 100 and then they would each pick a number, and the closest one would get to go. I picked 67 and wrote it down. When Jacob picked 73, I thought he would win. Well, Joseph picked 62. So he was closer by one. Jacob was pretty upset for a while, but he came around. I was gratified to see Joseph felt really badly for Jacob. I would have been worried if he didn't. But he and Joe had an amazing night. Joseph got to line up where the Cavs came out from the locker room and high five them. For a sports freak like him, it was heaven. Here are just a few pictures. In the picture with the flash, Joseph is in the foreground with his back to the camera and a green shirt, holding out his hand to high five LeBron James. In the last picture (bottom right), he thought it was great b/c of Ben Wallace making a turban over his fro with a towel and sweat band. The Cavs won handily, 98-83.

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