Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Camp Ho Mita Koda

On June 21, we dropped Katie off at diabetes camp. It is only about 20 minutes from our house, which is way more convenient than the 2 1/2 hour drive to the closest camp in Michigan. It is one of the oldest diabetes camps in the country, started in 1929, only 8 years after the invention of insulin. This was their 80th anniversary year. Here is a link to their site:

She didn't keep a camera at camp, so we just have a few shots from the drop off and pick up.Actually, here is a link to the pictures from her session on the camp website. If the link doesn't work, click on photo gallery on the camp main page.

She was session 1. There are some good ones in there. When we were dropping her off, Joseph said, "This place is so cool, it almost makes me wish I had diabetes." Almost. At the awards ceremony at the end of the week, she one the "Everyone's Best Friend" award for her cabin. Not surprising. She had a great week full of horseback riding, high ropes course, kayaking, and arts and crafts. It was great.

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