Friday, November 21, 2008

"Mommy, is it winter yet?"

That is the question Emma keeps asking me, given the weather this week. The kids were really hoping for a snow day today, and the chances seemed good, with about 10 inches falling overnight and high winds. But they're hard core here, and so school went on as scheduled. We got more during the day. The bus was running really, really late, and so the kids and I were all about frozen after standing out there for 20 minutes this morning. The lake effect storm seems to have moved through now....we are learning why they call this area "the snow belt." The Cleveland stations love to do their broadcasts from the Chardon town square when it is snowing. We are the highest elevation coming off the lake, so while downtown Cleveland (25 miles to the west) doesn't have any snow on the ground, we could be in a white out. We have been busy serving up hot chocolate and drying all the snow gear. I love snow!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Love the snow! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are having the Bertolina's and a younger couple that we know from Washington that are at MSU while he is getting his master's in business. Rick got home today and it has been fun having Kelsey home. Love to all~cathy